Thursday, 10 April 2008

Driving me insane

What makes a driver, a bad driver? Is it the speed? The attitude? The selfishness? The impatience? Or maybe the car itself?

Actually, it's probably a mixture of all those things. I seem to see 'bad' drivers most days on the way to work, or just when I'm out and about. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good, patient and sensible drivers. But like everything else in life, it's the idiots that stand out.

I read once that there's no such things as road rage, it's just bloody rage. It wouldn't matter where that person was, the anger would still be boiling over!

Here's a few hints to give some bad drivers a bit of help :

Don't get too close. No really, I know it's simple, it really is. But if I can only see your face in my rear view mirror, I'm going to brake and see what happens. Maybe I'll brake softly so you just see my brake lights, or maybe I'll brake hard so you hit me; ooohh the surprise!

Slow the hell down. Yes, slower, especially on those roads that say '30mph' and you're going about 60mph. Do you see the problem? Of course you don't, but I had to try.

Don't use your mobile when driving. Most people I see doing this are in big Range Rovers, or like today a bloody Ferrari. Oh, I'm sorry, would you like me to pay for that bluetooth kit so you don't have to hold your damn phone, or what about using the butler to make the call for you and they can hold the phone to your face. If I see you I'll put the phone in your face!

Oh, it's gone dark. Can you see the speedo? What was I thinking, if you're too dumb to put your lights on, you're not bothered about what speed you are going!

Indicate. No really, it's so simple. You flick this switch and it lets other people know that you are going to be slowing down and turning. It might actually help you too. But if I see you trying to turn and you're not indicating, I'm not going to let you go.

I could go on and probably will when I think of some more. (Please let me have some more if you have any!). I'm generally a nice driver, I let people out at junctions, I don't block roads in busy traffic when the lights change, you know, just simple stuff that other people seem to be unaware of, or is it just me.

Please tell me I am not alone!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Something for the weekend

It's so annoying, you work all week just looking forward to a nice weekend break, olympic to find everywhere is full of idiots.

Maybe i should start working weekends and then have a couple of quiet days off in the week!