Monday, 29 October 2007

Scottish MP's

This seems to be in the news again, that the Scottish MP's get to vote on English issues, but English MP's can't vote on anything about Scotland.

It's a ridiculous situation and one that must be sorted. Of course, I'm not suggesting for one minute that a Scotsman would try to upset the English by purposely voting against something in some sort of spite, but I don't understand the need for them to vote on our issues.

One thing I heard on the radio, which I don't know is true or not, but they said that because we have a Scottish prime minister, that if the Scots couldn't vote on English matters then our Scottish PM wouldn't be able to run the country. Now, that's just ridiculous. Basically he has two jobs, he's an MP (for Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath I think) and he's also the PM.

If the law changed so that Scottish MP's couldn't vote on English matters then fine Gordon Brown MP can't vote on English matters, but Gordon Brown PM can run the country like any other PM has in the past. I assume this is what happened with Mr Blair when it came to voting on Scottish issues, as he was an English MP?

Maybe I'm missing something, but this situation sort of sums up the UK government. Too much red tape and not enough brains.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

smoking and babies

OK, so let's just get one thing out of the way. I don't smoke and I never have. I really, really just don't see the attraction. Knowing what we do about the health problems, the vile stench and worse of all, (to some smokers obviously!) it costs a fortune and is getting worse.

But what really gets me annoyed is people smoking when pushing their prams or indeed while pregnant. I mean, I know smokers and they wouldn't dream of doing such things. It's one thing to put yourself through it, but to have babies breathe in their smoke is just plain shocking.

I saw that today. Two mothers were standing by the side of the road, both pushing prams, one of them obviously pregnant. They were both puffing away whilst their babies were in the prams. One of the mothers even bent down to check on her child and with both hands adjusting something on the pram, she was holding the cig in her mouth, with her face as close as could be without physically touching the baby.

No wonder society is breaking down. I mean, if these people are the biggest breeders, what are there kids going to be like? Oh, we already know. Complete freaks.

And before someone says, 'but it's their choice to smoke', like so many people did when the smoking ban came in to force, then what about the babies choice. That's right, they don't get one. They have to grow up with that shit all around them.

Friday, 26 October 2007

Driving habits

Do you notice when you have your windscreen wipers on? Yep, thought so, you're sensible, ish.

So how come there are so many drivers who for some reason, can't see whats right in front of them? And if it's not seeing them, surely hearing them go back and forth, over and over again would be enough of a warning?

I saw two cars on the way home doing this, worse of all, it hasn't rained at all, not a drop. It's been as dry as a sheikh's camels fur. Or hair, whichever it is that they have, but you get the point. It was very dry.

Why is this an issue anyway?

Well, if they aren't concentrating enough to notice their wipers, then what on earth are they concentrating on? It isn't driving and that worries me.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Fat birds and small cars

What's all that about then?

OK, so sorry if that's a bit of an insult, but I'm not fattest. As Mr Carr would say, I think your fattest!

OK, so I'll stop the jokes and / or insults there.

I just saw three women in a row of traffic and they were big. And I mean big, I don't mean size 16 big, I mean BIG. Anyway, they were all in the smallest cars you could imagine. Well, the smallest cars that have been made available since they were imagined. OK then......

The first one was the old mini metro............a shit car anyway, but it's also very, very small.

The next one was the slightly bigger new Mini, which lets face it, maybe bigger than it used to be, but it's still a tight fit.

And lastly, the third car was some Daewoo thing and it was tiny.

I'd hate to see how these women get in and out of these cars!

If you are offended by this, then get a bigger car!

Cinema antics

Hands up if you go to the cinema to watch a film? Well, my hand is raised anyway.

Why do I always happen to sit next to or near the people who think they can talk through the film? Do they actually believe that no one can hear them?

Indeed, the girl I sat next to last time, whilst I watched The Heartbreak Kid, actually used her phone. I politely asked her to stop using the phone and to stop talking and at first she was OK, but then at random times her and her mate just started talking. To be honest, it wasn't too bad, but as you know it's happening you end up getting distracted anyway.

For the record, The Heartbreak Kid is OK, it's funny. It's basically a sequel to There's something about Mary, with the same 'type' of jokes, so if you liked that, I'm sure you'll like this. And if you like the phrase 'cocking', you'll laugh all night. If you get to enjoy it in peace and quiet that is!

When is speeding not speeding?

In North Wales, apparently.

3000 drivers have had speeding tickets cancelled because of a problem with the application from the council to make the road a 30MPH zone. What you might call a cock up, or a technicality, if you're being nice.

But wait. All the road signs said it was a 30 zone, the drivers knew it was a 30 zone and yet they were speeding. They got snapped by a mobile van, but then had their tickets scrapped because of the application cock up.

So, they were speeding. They knew that the limit was 30, by virtue of the big, brand new 30MPH signs, yet they still ignored them. They didn't know at the time that the council cocked up an application.

So, are they still guilty? I'd say so.

no hard shoulder, just hard luck

The latest government scheme to ease congestion, is to allow use of the hard shoulders. And apparently it works.

Well, of course it works. I could have told you that if you introduce an extra lane and distribute traffic then you will ease congestion. OK, I know it's not that easy, but you get my point.

But, surely this could impact on the intended use of the lane? What about emergency vehicles or cars that break down? Apparently it's all fine, but it just hasn't had a major accident to 'test' it. Oh great, so lets hope it continues to be 'untested'.

But, what if I break down and need to pull over? What if my tyre blows and I need to stop as soon and as safely as I can?

"There are emergency refuges approximately every 500 metres along this section of motorway and that's where people can park safely if they break down."

Well, that's OK then. I'll make sure my car only breaks down when I'm within touching distance of a breakdown zone!

Wednesday, 24 October 2007


So, how much money do you get paid for thinking up the plan to rename a channel in the hope of changing it's fortunes? I guess they couldn't be bothered making any new shows, so we'll just rename the channel!

I've got a plan, and it's as hot as the sun!