Thursday, 25 October 2007

Cinema antics

Hands up if you go to the cinema to watch a film? Well, my hand is raised anyway.

Why do I always happen to sit next to or near the people who think they can talk through the film? Do they actually believe that no one can hear them?

Indeed, the girl I sat next to last time, whilst I watched The Heartbreak Kid, actually used her phone. I politely asked her to stop using the phone and to stop talking and at first she was OK, but then at random times her and her mate just started talking. To be honest, it wasn't too bad, but as you know it's happening you end up getting distracted anyway.

For the record, The Heartbreak Kid is OK, it's funny. It's basically a sequel to There's something about Mary, with the same 'type' of jokes, so if you liked that, I'm sure you'll like this. And if you like the phrase 'cocking', you'll laugh all night. If you get to enjoy it in peace and quiet that is!

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