Sunday, 28 October 2007

smoking and babies

OK, so let's just get one thing out of the way. I don't smoke and I never have. I really, really just don't see the attraction. Knowing what we do about the health problems, the vile stench and worse of all, (to some smokers obviously!) it costs a fortune and is getting worse.

But what really gets me annoyed is people smoking when pushing their prams or indeed while pregnant. I mean, I know smokers and they wouldn't dream of doing such things. It's one thing to put yourself through it, but to have babies breathe in their smoke is just plain shocking.

I saw that today. Two mothers were standing by the side of the road, both pushing prams, one of them obviously pregnant. They were both puffing away whilst their babies were in the prams. One of the mothers even bent down to check on her child and with both hands adjusting something on the pram, she was holding the cig in her mouth, with her face as close as could be without physically touching the baby.

No wonder society is breaking down. I mean, if these people are the biggest breeders, what are there kids going to be like? Oh, we already know. Complete freaks.

And before someone says, 'but it's their choice to smoke', like so many people did when the smoking ban came in to force, then what about the babies choice. That's right, they don't get one. They have to grow up with that shit all around them.

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